News blog

I’ve recently obtained the R3 accreditation by Agencia Estatal de Investigación and the “Accreditation of research” by AQU.
We got the TRAIL paper, related to the senda project, accepted to The Visual Computer and presented at the Computer Graphics International 2024 conference by Eduardo. Moreover, the master thesis of Diego Mateos turned into a conference paper that Luis presented during CEIG 2024. This semester has been quite intense with the number of master theses directed, hopefully some of them will soon become papers too!
After the last two years with a Maria Zambrano research fellowship, today I have started my contract as Assistant Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Our paper “DeadWood: Including disturbance and decay in the depiction of digital nature” has been just accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics.
I have been invited for a talk at TU Wien, thanks to Manuela Waldner. More information at the TU Wien site.
The project SENDA, of which I am principal investigator together with Nuria Pelechano, has been approved for funding! In this project, we want to simulate and model the impact of recreational activities in outdoor environments. You can check the details at the SENDA project website.
It is a pleasure to be invited as one of the keynote speakers at the Spanish Computer Graphics Conference (CEIG 2022). I will give a talk about some of our works on Virtual worlds that had their origins or key insights thanks to my mountaineering passion.
See you soon in Vic!
Our paper “Gain compensation across LIDAR scans” has been accepted as a full paper in CEIG 2022, the Spanish Computer Graphics Conference.
It has also been published as open access in Computers & Graphics.
Starting this February, I’ve been granted a Maria Zambrano research fellowship at the Computing department of UPC. My project will focus on modeling hiking networks in virtual terrains.
The number 938 of the outdoor magazine “Muntanya” has published our divulgative text about the concept of prominence and the list of the 100 most prominent mountains in Catalunya.
About a year ago, I was asked if I wanted to contribute with some of my pictures of Catalan mountains for an upcoming guidebook, which has been released this week: 100 cims: 50 excursions escollides (in Catalan, you can click on the PDF icon on the left column to see a sample). It describes hiking routes to 50 of the most iconical mountains in Catalunya, each one featuring a full-page photograph - of which 17 are mine!
Our paper “Simulation, Modeling and Authoring of Glaciers” has been accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2020. You can find the PDF, video and code repository in the Research menu. As many other conferences this year, the presentation will be online. See you (virtually) soon!
Peakbagger is a website with a large database of metrics and information about many peaks of the world, and contains hundreds of peak lists for different criteria: region high points, most prominent, most isolated, club lists…
I’ve recently contributed with the Spanish translation of the Peakbagger app, made by Andrew Kirmse. You can check it out, it’s free and already available in English, French, Spanish or Slovenian.
We’ve been invited to present the CGF paper “Image-based Tree Variations” at Eurographics this year. I’ll be attending the conference and presenting it. See you in Sweden the last week of May!
It was about time I created my personal webpage, so here it is, finally. My list of research articles - I’ll upload all the PDF soon -, some fun projects I’ve (co)developed, and beautiful mountains I’ve climbed. All in one place. There’s even an Easter egg, good luck finding it! :)
Our paper “Orometry-based terrain analysis and synthesis” has been accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia. I’ll be presenting it on November 19 in Brisbane, Australia.
I’ve started a postdoctoral position in Lyon (France). I’ll be working on the modelling of virtual worlds as a member of the GEOMOD team of the LIRIS lab.
I’ve defended my PhD thesis, entitled “Realistic reconstruction and rendering of detailed 3D scenarios from multiple data sources”, at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. My advisors have been Carlos Andujar and Antoni Chica. The jury was formed by Antoni Susín (UPC), Miguel Chover (Universitat Jaume I) and Pierre Poulin (Université de Montreal).